Informazioni di base
Caratteristiche fisiche
Lingue parlate
Persiano (madrelingua), italiano (elementare), inglese (ottimo), arabo (elementare)
English Activity Instructor (03/2010-07/2011)
3 Different schools, Tehran (Iran)
Design, organize and teach English playgroup and summer courses for children range from 3 – 14 with 3 different schools.
Tour leader (01/2009-01/2010)
Traveling international Agency, Tehran (Iran)
Organize city tour for group of minimum 10 people and international tourists.
Participation in voluntary activities in solidarity with the free distribution of meals and groceries.
Lecco (Italia) , Tehran (Iran
Baby sitter (02/2012-03/2013)
Lecco (Italia)
Take care of two children of 9 and 6 years old
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